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We have everything, and value nothing. AI, art, music, content and sabotage.

Sabotage. The word was originally used to describe workers "walking noisily (with wooden clogs) or being clumsy" and "working slowly". It was used as a means of protest for workers before there were standardised workers' rights; if they were forced to work, they'd do it poorly.  Nowadays, when I think of the word sabotage, my first thought goes to us, humankind, sabotaging our own existence. And I'm not even talking about the environment och climate change, things that are vital to the survival of the planet - whether you support the politics of it or not, there's no denying that we can't drink contaminated water or breathe exhaust fumes and expect it to not affect life negatively - no, I'm talking about Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence, or the idea of it, has been around for at least thousands of years. Perhaps it started with the belief that a statue of a god, also held the spirit of the god within it; more certainly it is c

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