April recap; what have I done?!

Well, not much, really, because I spent way too much time figuring out how to present a digital sketchbook that wasn't just a screen recording of me clicking open every file. In the end it was my newly acquired iPad that offered up a solution - with the Keynote app, a program for doing presentations, like PowerPoint.

But here's the end result:

I also used Shotcut, a free, open-source video editing software, to pull it all together. And Procreate for the animations.

You may have noticed that I'm not doing the voice-over in English and going for subtitles instead. Apart from me feeling rusty because it's been five years since I last spoke to anybody in English, I also feel like I'm losing my Swedish. Whenever I try to talk, it comes out as some kind of Swenglish and that's not the route I want to go. I sound only slightly less awkward speaking Swedish, so you know that's not the reason! 

I'll also be using both languages here on the blog.

Apart from painting, the biggest project in April was the hand-cranked flipbook-machine I built. I wasn't sure how everything would fit so I did a mockup of the actual paper animation:

Månadens största projekt blev ju den mekaniska blädderbokmaskinen! Eftersom jag inte arbetade efter någon mall, fick jag pröva mig fram - bl.a. gjorde jag en testversion av själva papperanimationen, för att se om den rörde sig som den skulle:

Now, moving on from last month's projects, does anybody remember me saying that I wanted to focus more on painting flowers this year? I remember and I certainly didn't forget, but I did take the month off doing flowers because, seriously, it was not going well. 

Having said that, summer is approaching and, being very much a season for flowers, I'm ready to give it another try. If I can check my temper, I may even keep some of my failures and present them in next month's video.

Visserligen hade jag som mål att måla blommor i år - väggarna fulla av blomster vore ju magiskt! Men jag blev ju bara tvungen att ta en paus från alla misslyckanden hittills ... 

Hursomehelst, sommaren är nästan här och jag börjar känna en lust att ta mig an blommorna igen, så vi får väl se om det blir något till nästa månads video.


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