Trusting yourself and your art. Cat and garden watercolour painting.


A lifetime ago, I used to be a painting instructor and the most important part of it was to instil inspiration and courage. It probably doesn't matter much how far you've come in your journey, the brain will still find new ways to dent any self-confidence. One way around it is to be aware of it and fight fire with fire. Face your fears head-on!

My YouTube channel is a place for rest and quiet, but once in a while, I add a video with commentary. And when I do, it's to encourage the viewer and show that no, you don't have to use the most expensive materials, plan everything or take every sketch dead seriously. Like this video of me painting a ginger cat and adding some artistic freedom to my unripe tomato plants!

Art isn't just about the finished product, it's also an opportunity to explore, gain trust in your ability and enjoy the process!


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